Quartz Cabin Repairs on Tap, Thanks to Columbia Basin Trust

Repairs to the Quartz Cabin have been a long time coming.

It was in the fall of 2019, when the club was installing some telephone poles for our solar panels, that a pole was accidentally dropped on the roof of the cabin. The resulting damage was to be repaired as soon as possible in the spring of 2020, when the weather turned nice and the club had some volunteer support to accomplish the mission.

… then there was a global pandemic, which heavily impacted the club’s finances, making getting the job done nearly impossible.

After applying for numerous grants this winter, Columbia Basin Trust stepped up to support  the club. The estimated repair bill is a touch over $30,000 and Columbia Basin Trust is kicking in $20,000 from their trail enhancement grants. Without this funding, the Club would not be able to do these repairs that are desperately needed!

Repairs and upgrades you’ll notice this winter:

  • Repairs to the roof damage (new tin roofing and repairs or replacement to all the bones inside)
  • Replacement of broken window
  • Addition of new windows on the back of the cabin
  • Adding a “breezeway” to the main entrance
  • Securing access to the solar room in the attic
  • Adjustments to the stove position to improve traffic flow
  • Exterior siding repairs
  • Solar system upgrades (panels moved to telephone poles where they’re catch more light)
  • Firewood Sea-Can Clean up (level, paint)
  • NEW beacon basin!

We were lucky enough to receive the news with enough time to do the roof repairs before we moved the cat to summer storage. This was a huge help and cost saving as the zone is non-motorized in the summer months so all equipment will need to be flown in by helicopter or hand-bombed over a couple km.

Join us in giving a big thanks to Columbia Basin Trust!

Solar panels moved from cabin to telephone poles for better collection.

Roof repairs on a nice spring day!