Sled Registration and Insurance Guidelines in BC
December 14, 2016
What are BC’s requirements for insurance, registration and license plate presentation when riding on BC crown land?
All snowmobiles must be registered before it can be operated on crown land, except:
- one that is designed (as stated by the manufacturer) to be operated by a child 11 years old or younger.
- one that is owned by a person who is a resident of a jurisdiction in which the machine cannot be registered or licensed (but proof of out-of-province residency and ownership must be carried).
Number Plate/Sticker
The number plate or sticker provided as proof of registration must be clearly visible on the front, back or left exterior of the sled.
Read this blog by Colin Wallace (click here), recently posted on Mountain
If you really want all the nitty-gritty, take a read of this .pdf document (click here) regarding all OHV licensing and registration requirements.