Conditions Report: Welcome To Winter
Greetings sledders. Fresh snow on the peaks in Golden has us frothing for snowmobiling season and by the looks of things, it’s not that far away. Sled Golden is working hard to make sure this winter can be the best; despite all the challenges we have faced lately, we’re confident we can be fully operational by the time there’s enough snow to sled. There’s some changes in our grooming operations this year and season’s passes and sponsorships are now available. Please keep reading to find out the latest.
New Website
We’re happy to announce our new website is operational, paid for by grant money we secured . It features a cleaner look and will make it easier for us to update. We have also added GPS files of all of our riding zones so you can download files of our trails & riding zones and load them to whatever program you use for navigation on your phone – the riding areas are highlighted and so are the closed areas, so you don’t end up costing yourself in fines and the club in tough relationships and threats of closures. Special thanks to local business Best Impressions for creating an awesome platform that we can continue to post on.
Memberships and trail seasons passes are now available on our website. We’ve kept the prices the same as last year. We really encourage you to become members. It helps us as an organization to have a large membership base. Buying early this season will really help us complete the grooming operation moves we are making.
The club has enjoyed many excellent sponsors over the years. We are currently in our sponsorship drive again. We offer many marketing opportunities for our sponsors and would appreciate your consideration. Please visit this link for more information.
Grooming Operations
There are some big changes in our approach to grooming operations. This will be the first year that GSC will bring grooming operations in-house. The decision have been made to purchase grooming equipment and hire employees to run the operations. We believe this decision will allow us greater flexibility to adapt to circumstances and give us the ability to better align revenues and expenditures. We want to thank Kelly Bushman and his team at Willowbank Outfitters for many years of dedicated service. They have made us what we are but now we will transition to a model that sees us operating our grooming program in house. This process will take a few years to complete in full but we are hopeful that we can offer our members the level of service they expect while keeping costs within our revenues.
Covid Response
The lockdown of late spring hit us hard. We had excellent snow and all things in place to groom late in to the season when we were required by the provincial government to shut down operations. Our budgeting process and revenues took a major hit and it’s forced us to re-evaluate our operations. This upcoming season we will have protocols in place to protect our staff and our members. You can expect that protocols inside of the Quartz cabin and our mobile cabin will take in to account Covid requirements.
The Golden Snowmobile Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Oct 29, at the Island Restaurant at 7pm. You will need to be a member if you would like to vote – become a member here. The GSC is also looking to fill a couple of board of directors. Please reach out if you’re interested in a role on the board.
Garbage Pickup
We will be getting a group of volunteers together to walk through the valleys of both Quartz and Silent Pass this year to pick up garbage. It would be awesome if we didn’t find any but we know we will. Please let us know if you want to help. We’re heading up on Sunday – October 4! There’s only 8 seats to fly in so please message snowmobile++snowmobilegolden**com ASAP if you want to join.