Conditions Report: Thank You and Summer Wishes

Is winter over? For many of us, the time has come to swing a club, twist a throttle,  and of course, to save up to pay for next fall’s snow check! SledGolden is still wrapping up grooming Ops by brining our equipment home and prepping it for next year. But before we go, we have a lot of thank you’s to make. There’s also a lot to do moving forward.

Thank you Sponsors!

Thank you to our sponsors. Without them we wouldn’t have been able to launch in-house operations this fall. Even with unprecedented insecurity of how the winter would work, we have a whole gamut of sponsors that stepped up to the table. Please continue choose to support the businesses who support the club.

Grooming Program Supporters – Thank you!

Thank you to the grooming operations contractors. We took grooming operations in house this year and that meant we had to deal with a number of contractors to see things through. We’d like to take the time to especially thank:
Dan Moore – Rise Above Welding – Shop space for track repairs, drag repair welding, custom hitch fabrication, general interest in helping the operation
Dave Webb- Use of his laydown yard and storage shed (Dan leases the shop on Dave’s property)
Lee Anderson – Summit Ridge Logging – Use of his shop for pre-season cat maintenance
Jayves – Country Hills Contracting – Pre-season late night mechanic work on all machines
Brian – Brian Jackson Contracting – Equipment hauling
Jesse Ellis – Caterpillar – Mobile mechanic work on the 350
Cory Keefer- Electrical diagnostics on the 275
Aine Falter – Kickin it Landscapes – Pre-season helping hand with maintenance/track work
Justin Tataryn – Horizon Unlimited – Excavator supply

Staff, Volunteers, Board – Thank you!

Thank you to our staff and all front line workers in Golden BC. It goes without saying that front line workers have had extra to deal with since Covid protocols hampered every aspect of their jobs. We wanted to say that our gate staff did a great job and we appreciate their efforts.
Our grooming crew stepped and and performed beyond our expectations this winter. It’s been a rare day when people reach out to say “good job” but we were so happy to have had that experience many times this winter, thanks to the hard work of our grooming and operations team.
Thank you to the volunteers who picked up garbage, loaded firewood and kept things going.
Thank you to the contractors who serve SledGolden in many different ways.
Thank you to the board of directors, who passionately lead our group.

Thank YOU!

Lastly, thank you to our members and day users. It was a busy year in our zones but for the most part, things ran safely and smoothly. We hope you had a good season and look forward to seeing you again.

Help us Out this Summer!

Garbage Picking
We’re on the look out for volunteers to help with our summer garbage pick up. It often involves a helicopter ride to beautiful places… Please reach out to if you’re interested.
Have extra cash that you need a tax donation receipt for? Want to make a memorial contribution that others will timelessly enjoy?  Just feel like supporting?  We really need new grooming equipment and the Quartz cabin needs an overhaul.
Want to be an Ambassador for SledGolden? 
We have a few spots to fill. You know what to do.