Conditions Report: Low Tide / High Fives
Snowmobile conditions in Golden BC remain in a pre-season, low-tide situation however, if you need to get out there and breath some mountain air, it’s more than possible to have a good enough day to throw a high five to a buddy. The good news is that there is at least 24cms of snow in the 5 day forecast and hopefully more after that; when enough comes, we’re ready to start track packing! Quartz Creek is a still a reliable zone to get a day in the mountains; it’s not amazing by normal standards but it comes down to how bad do you need a day out? The views are as majestic as always and it’s a good time to blow the dust off the gear and get your systems back in order. Those first stucks of the year can get the heart rate going like no stationary bike in the gym can so it’s good to get the blood flowing.
TCH-1 Highway
Highway 1 is open east of Golden with scheduled stoppages and overnight closures. It’s always good to check : Kicking Horse Canyon Calendar
Fall 2023 Hours
The Trans-Canada Highway through the Kicking Horse Canyon will be free of construction stoppages for the Thanksgiving holiday long weekend, from 12 noon Friday, October 6 through 12 noon Tuesday, October 10. Thereafter:
- From 12 noon Tuesday, October 10 until the end of November 2023, expect half-hour stoppages during the daytime and evenings, as well as overnight closures from 10 pm to 7 am.
- The number of overnight closures may be reduced toward the end of the period. Check the Highway Status Calendar and DriveBC for schedule updates, and roadway signage for real-time construction zone status.
- The alternative route of Highways 93S and 95 is available for use during overnight closures
- Non-through traffic from the east, i.e. westbound traffic destined for Lake Louise, Field, Beaverfoot and the Kicking Horse Rest Area immediately east of the 4.8 km canyon construction zone will not be affected
See the Highway Status Calendar and DriveBC for details.
Quartz Creek Turn Off
Construction work is now closed for the season at the Quartz Creek turn off. Things look slightly different than last year but it’s more or less the same with no delays.
Snow & Weather
The ridable snow up in Quartz is pretty thin. There hasn’t been a significant snowfall for 3 weeks. What’s there is at least settled and is offering a supportive base, but we need more snow, to say the least. There’s 50-60cms of compacted snow in the alpine bowls at Quartz.
Avalanche Safety
The good news is that Avalanche Canada has started regional snowpack forecasts. Please make sure you check everyday you ride.
Travel and Terrain Advice from Nov 27:
- Avoid areas where the snow feels stiff and/or slabby.
- Avalanche danger is often elevated in alpine gullies where snow has accumulated.
- Early season avalanches at any elevation have the potential to be particularly dangerous due to obstacles that are exposed or just below the surface.