Conditions Report: Staying In Touch
Did you miss us? We missed you. Covid-19 sure brought an anti-climatic end to the best snow season we’ve had in a long time and unfortunately we had to wrap things up early. One thing we know is that snowmobilers are a resilient bunch. We’ve been through a lot together already and we can do this too. Up turns, down turns, viruses, whoops are the things we take in stride. And although the world has changed the Snowmobile Club is still forging on, doing what we can with what we have. Read on to stay in touch.
We’re happy to report that everything from the winter got tucked away neatly. The mobile cabin, cats and trailers are all at their summer resting homes. The kiosks have been summarized and we’re already prepping for the winter season ahead. We’re happy to report that the firewood has already been stocked at Quartz cabin for next season.
New Projects
We have a few projects we thought we’d tell you about. There’s a new website on in development and new area videos being made. There’s also a video about informing people about not riding in the National Parks that has been commissioned in partnership with Parks Canada and Rec Sites and Trails.
No Gorman Cabin
As you may know, we’ve been trying hard to get an emergency shelter in the Gorman area. It hasn’t been an easy road but we were always optimistic that things would work out. We played by all the rules, commissioned studies, and filled out countless amounts of paper work. We’re sorry to say that the word has come back as a hard no for the cabin. The reason is goat habitat. It’s a tough pill to swallow but we’re dealing with what that means. Our mobile shelter program might be able to be expanded.
This summer volunteers would be most welcome. Every year we do a summer hike in our managed areas to collect garbage that unfortunately gets left behind from the winter. It’s pretty awesome to see our areas in the summer, they are incredibly beautiful places, and there may or may not be a helicopter ride involved. There’s still a lot of snow in the zones right now so we may wait till late July or early August to get this done. Please email or stay in touch with our Facebook page to find out more.
Thank you!
A huge thank you to all of our members, staff, contractors and SPONSORS that make SledGolden a reality. A number of people got laid off early and budgets and contracts are needing to be shuffled just so we can continue. It’s not easy times but we will get through it.