Conditions Report: It’s (Almost) Time To Sled

Are you vibrating with the thoughts of sledding? So are we. It’s been consistently cold and snowy in Golden this October and it’s (almost) time to sled. Yes, there have been people out, but take our word for it, it’s still too early. However, it’s not too early to buy your membership or to sponsor the club or attend our AGM. Keep reading to find out more.

Live Webcam

We’ve had a crew out at Quartz this week (they took a helicopter fyi), to set up the webcam. We got it running but it probably won’t last. We’re going to go back there in about 10 days to fix the software updates that are required. In the mean time, fix your eyes on these sweet tantalizing pics. Things are looking good up there!

Quartz Logging

Just a heads up, there will be logging until end of November in Quartz up to km 9. The idea is to have a small trail along side the logging road, but in early season conditions it could get a little interesting. The logging crews are typically really good with working with us but one should expect some interesting trail situations.


The Golden Snowmobile Club annual general meeting is at the Island Restaurant, upstairs, on Thursday Oct. 29. Everybody is welcome. We will maintain social distancing guidelines.


More than ever, we need a strong membership base and buying your membership early this year will really help us. As you may remember, GSC is making a switch to bring grooming operations and machinery ownership in-house, so every cent counts right now as we launch in to fall 2020. Also, we DO NOT mail out the membership cards. They will be available to pick up at our gates when the season has begun. Please purchase your membership online.

Last Call for Sponsors

SledGolden offers some very affordable marketing solutions to the businesses that support us. If you want to get your company’s ad in the new map brochure, you need to sign up before Oct 31. Please email snowmobile++snowmobilegolden**com if you want info on how to sponsor our club. Without this support we would have trouble to open our doors; please support the businesses that support us.

Silent Pass Garbage and Sign Posts

Special thanks to all the volunteers who came out for our work day at Silent Pass. We picked up some left over garbage (please don’t leave garbage this year) and put in some sign posts.


Please support our sponsors:

Our projects and operations would not be possible without the support of these organizations: