Conditions Report: Lion or Lamb
Will spring come in like a lion or a lamb? It really doesn’t matter because the riding around Golden is really good right now.
How It’s Been:
This is the winter that keeps on giving. Conditions have been surprisingly good the past week. Technically we didn’t get that much snow over the last week (approx 15 cms) but what we did get filled things in nicely.
About 15 cms in the forecast with consistently cold temps.
We’ve had approximately 40-50 cms of snow last week and there’s about 15 cms more in the forecast.
Avalanche Risk
Please check with every day before you head out.
Road Safety
Using a VHF radio on active logging roads is an essential part of having a safe day. Please watch our road safety video to learn more.
Economic Impact Study
Don’t be surprised if you are asked to fill out a survey at one of our trail heads. We are conducting an Economic Impact Study this winter. We’re hopeful the results of this study will help us get more funding to continue to make snowmobiling infrastructure better. Thank you for your patience.
Are you booked in for the Riley Suhan Invitational?
GT OR DIE: Great news! We’ve announced Saturday April 14th as the date for this year’s GT or DIE races! It’s going to be a good time and there’s expanded events for kids during the early part of the day.
Quartz Creek
Quartz has seen heavy traffic but is still giving up a few powder stashes. Firewood has been re-stocked. The new stove we put in the cabin is not functioning as well as we hoped. Keep the door closed to preserve heat.
**Please note that logging operations have started in Quartz up to the first gate (approx 3km). Right now there are preparation crews on site. Riders need to stay off the road and on the trail on the side. This is critical. There will not be much traffic until early March. We will have to share access to Quartz with the loggers this spring.
Gorman Lake
The road to Gorman has been graded but could still be icy, please proceed with caution. The riding is good in spots less travelled.
Silent Pass
The road to Silent is significantly improved with some grader service on Feb 15. We’re still parking at the 21 km but now it’s easier to get there.
Lots of snow in the zone once you get there.