Conditions Report: Early Season Update – Fall 2018 FAQ

Hi Everyone! Welcome to another season of snowmobile conditions reports for the Golden area. We’ve been getting a lot of private messages to our Facebook page and so we thought we’d throw a blog up to try to answer some questions. Please keep reading to find out how things are shaping up in Golden.


Can I sled yet?
Yes, you can sled. People have been out since September actually. We had an unusually cold and wet September and a lot of early season snow fell. We had people reporting being at Quartz Cabin as early as Oct. 4. HOWEVER, we had an extended warm and sunny period in October and a lot of early snow melted, especially down low, which made access tough. November has come in with a bunch of cold precipitation and there’s anywhere from 70-100 cms of snow above 1800m (Quartz Cabin is at 1834m).

Sledding in Quartz on Oct 4. 2018

Sledding in Quartz on Oct 4. 2018

Should I sled yet?
Ha! This is a much more relevant question! Fact is, it’s early early season and hazards exist. You can expect rocks, trees, and sketchy creek crossings on any trip right now. Slippery access roads and no groomed trails will also be a part of your experience. Wheelies and wallets are a combo that seem to go hand in hand this time of year… Both Golden Snowmobile dealerships Mountain Motorsports and Banner Recreation are open to help you with your new A arms and belly panels…

Riley Suhan in Quartz on Nov 4, 2018. Pic by Kayli Dentman

Riley Suhan in Quartz on Nov 4, 2018. Pic by Kayli Dentman

Where can I buy my trail pass? 
You’re in the right spot (almost) if you want to get a season-long trail pass. Please follow this link: Become a Member Now

When will you guys start grooming?
The simple answer is that we will start grooming when there’s enough snow. The more detailed answer is that we are closely watching the storms and snow levels. We’re cautiously optimistic that we can start in the next 2 weeks but it could be longer. The best way to find out when our grooming starts is to follow our Facebook page. As soon as we know we can groom, we’ll post the info. If you could keep the private messages to minimum that would be great.

What’s the weather like?
You never really know how a day in the mountains will go unless you’re there. But can give you an idea.

Snow Forecast for Quartz area Nov 5

Snow Forecast for Quartz area Nov 5

I heard you guys have some new areas? Where are they?
It’s true, we have a couple more ‘official’ areas: East Quartz and Oldman. Both these areas are accessed from the Quartz Creek parking lot (which will soon be marked by a big bill board). This is the first year of grooming into these areas and so we’re going to play it by ear as to when we can smooth the trails. The good news is that a lot of work has happened over the summer and fall to the access roads to these areas that will allow for our groomer operators to enter them.

Road work in Oldman Fall 2018.

Road work in Oldman Fall 2018.

Oldman area in early spring 2016. Pic: @sledbiglines

Oldman area in early spring 2016. Pic: @sledbiglines

What are the avalanche conditions like?
This is always a good question. One thing you need to know is that the avalanche bulletins are often thin on information this time of year. Parks Canada is doing regular updates for Glacier National Park. As always, if you can ride in the mountains you’re probably travelling in avalanche terrain. Please be careful and submit to the MIN Network if you can.

Glacier National Park avalanche conditions for Nov. 5, 2018

Glacier National Park avalanche conditions for Nov. 5, 2018




Have you seen the re-cap video of the Riley Suhan Invitational?

Secure your spot in next year’s event NOW!

Plan for these!
Avalanche Awareness Days Jan 19, 2019

GT or DIE, April 20, 2019

Quartz Creek

Conditions: approximately 80cm of snow at cabin
Grooms scheduled: no grooming yet
Fees: no fees
Parking: Past the normal parking lot but before the gold mine.
Road: Muddy and slippery
Additional notes: Other notes: There is plans to change the stove at Quartz Cabin (again). We know the last one didn’t work good enough. We’re on it.

Avalanche Conditions